One: A discrete element method simulation to created a packed bed of spheres

In this simulation, we create a random packed bed of particles (packed bed of spheres) in a cylindrical container with the diameter of 15 cm and length of 20 cm. To create this bed, 8000 7-mm spherical particles with the density of 2500 kg/m3 are used. In the followings, we describe how to set-up a simulation case using the cemfDEM® code.

  • Solver: cemfDEM
  • Tested with: gfortran-4.9, gfortrean-7.5, intel Fortran 2013, Intel Fortran 2015.
  • Model: spherical particles, mono-sized, 3D
  • Physical system: Packing of spheres under gravity to form a random packed bed in a cylinder.




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