Installing OpenFOAM-v2412

Center of Engineering and Multiscale modeling of Fluid flow
OpenFOAM is an open-source CFD packages that is used for modeling of fluid flow. The solvers cover compressible, incompressible, reacting, non-reacting, single phase and multiphase flows with resolved interface (VOF) and unresolved phase interface (Eulerian). It also provides some powerful meshing technologies like snappyHexMesh for meshing complex geometries. Here, you will see all the contents related to OpenFOAM.
Installing OpenFOAM-v2412
We are suggesting two methods for installing OpenFOAM-12 on ubuntu and windows: 1) source pack and 2) pre-built files. If you already have some components installed on your computer, you may skip some of the steps. This method has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, and Ubuntu…
Use this blockMeshDict to automatically create a structured mesh for cylinder given the radius, height and average cellSize for the final mesh. There will be 3 boundary patches for you in the final mesh: inlet, outlet, and cylinerWall. You also have the option to make the inner square curvy-like by…
To get the best experience with OpenFOAM installation on windows, you need to have windows 10 (build 19041 and higher) or higher versions of Windows like windows 11. So, you can install/activate WSL2 on your computer. WSL, stands for windows subsystem for Linux, is a new technology of Microsoft and…
In this tutorial, you will learn how to install OpenFOAM-9. If you already have some components installed on your computer, you may skip some of the steps. This tutorial has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, and Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. Two main methods are…
Excess, unrecoverable hydrocarbons are collected and burnt (in a flare) before releasing to atmosphere to reduce their environmental impact. Millions tones of hydrocarbons are burnt each year all around the world. A survey shows that, in 2017, around 270 million tones of CO2 is emitted by flaring. In many industrial…
In this post you will learn how to install OpenFOAM v2012 from source pack. The procedure is tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. It is assumed that you are installing OpenFOAM v2012 on a fresh operating system. Note1: If you previously installed the older version of OpenFOAM…
You will learn how to use reactingFOAM solver to simulate a turbulent combustion of methane in air. The simulation is based on the combustion of methane in the Sandia D flame benchmark. reactingFoam is a transient solver for simulating compressible, laminar/turbulent reactive systems. This solver uses stoichiometry expressions and kinetic…
In this post you will learn how to install OpenFOAM v2006 from source pack. The operating system is Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. It is assumed that you are installing OpenFOAM v2006 on a fresh operating system. These steps were also followed for installing OpenFOAM v2006 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Note: If…
You see an OpenFOAM simulation of a single phase stirred tank reactor using AMI technique. This simulation is performed to find the residence time distribution (RTD) in a stirred tank reactor. In the design and scale-up of chemical reactors, the residence time distribution of fluid particles inside the reactor should…