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Residence Time Distribution (RTD) in Stirred Tank Reactor: OpenFOAM Simulation
You see an OpenFOAM simulation of a single phase stirred tank reactor using AMI technique. This simulation is performed to find the residence time distribution (RTD) in a stirred tank…
Residence Time Distribution by Particle Tracing
In this tutorial you will learn how to setup a particle tracing system to obtain the residence time distribution of flow in a T-channel. This method can essentially be applied…
How to install OpenFOAM v1912 from source pack
In this post you will learn how to install OpenFOAM v1912 from source pack. The operating system is ubuntu 18.04 LTS. It is assumed that you are installing OpenFOAM v1912…
Packing of Hollow Cylinders (Catalysts) in a Tube: a DEM Simulation
In many occasion in process industries (i.e. chemical engineering), we need to create a random packed bed of Catalysts. Packing of Hollow Cylinders in reactor (heterogeneous catalytic reaction) tubes can…