Methane Combustion in a Flare

Methane Combustion in a Flare

Excess, unrecoverable hydrocarbons are collected and burnt (in a flare) before releasing to atmosphere to reduce their environmental impact. Millions tones of hydrocarbons are burnt each year all around the world. A survey shows that, in 2017, around 270 million tones of CO2 is emitted by flaring. In many industrial…

reactingFoam: How to simulate combustion of a flame by OpenFOAM

reactingFoam: How to simulate combustion of a flame by OpenFOAM

You will learn how to use reactingFOAM solver to simulate a turbulent combustion of methane in air. The simulation is based on the combustion of methane in the Sandia D flame benchmark. reactingFoam is a transient solver for simulating compressible, laminar/turbulent reactive systems. This solver uses stoichiometry expressions and kinetic…

How to add Drag model & Turbulence model to twoPhaseEulerFOAM

How to add Drag model & Turbulence model to twoPhaseEulerFOAM

You always face times that you want to add new physical models to your solver. In two-phase simulations, drag model and turbulence model are perhaps two of the most important ones that one may want to change. In this tutorial you will learn how to add these physical models to the…